Where Kids Can Be Kids
I believe that camp has always created value in people’s lives; but I believe now more than ever we need camp. A safe environment where children can build relationships, increase their confidence, learn new skills and a respect/appreciation of our environment. I encourage the experience of camp because it gives children the opportunity to put their phones down and CONNECT… connect with others, nature, their own potential and truly connect with themselves. Many life skills can be learned at camp and I believe it is the best investment we can make in our community’s youth. Thank you so much for your interest in improving the life of a child. I know for myself as a 3rd generation summer camp owner… camp gave me incredible life skills that I hope to pass on to others. An appreciation of one’s self, respect for others, an ability to find joy in the world around us and a strength that when life gets you down you know you can overcome it. I am a believer that camp can truly change the world.
-Shawna DeGrange

Charm’s Place is a non-profit organization that strives to provide an opportunity for all young people, ages six to 17, the ability to experience traditional camp activities in a ranch setting. We strive to teach life and leadership skills, empathy and an appreciation of the outdoors through the Cloverleaf Ranch philosophy. Each year Charm’s Place sends children on scholarship to enjoy the joys of “just being a kid” in the summer camp environment. This is NOT a camp scholarship for problematic or high risk children. This is a scholarship program for children that exhibit positive behavior in group settings.

If children need one-on-one supervision, this is not the program for them to sign up for; please note that our average ratio of supervision is one staff member to seven children. If you would like to see our check list for participant selection, please contact Shawna DeGrange.
Charm’s Place and its programs are intentionally not a camp offering therapy or counseling but is intended to provide the children a break from some of the stressors in their school, family or social life.
The camp is intended to develop resources and skills to improve the chance that the campers will be well adjusted, productive and non-violent members of society. The camp provides exposure to positive role models, a supportive relationship with peers and adults, a sense of hope about the future, an opportunity to help others, and increased self-esteem through activities such as horseback riding, a challenging ropes course and other small group activities.
Where Do The Scholarship Applications Come From
These children come from the bay area, some are currently in therapy for a wide range of special needs and have been hand selected as a good choice for a group summer camp setting. Many other scholarships we give serve as an incentive for kids to excel in school as their school administrators’, coaches, teachers’ grant scholarships for those who excel academically or are most improved. We recognize that the world is comprised of a variety of different backgrounds and we aim to create a culture at camp that best prepares children for the responsibility of adulthood and the ability to work well with others. As stated before, this is NOT a camp scholarship for problematic or high risk children. All campers must meet strict criteria to ensure they work well with others, exhibit appropriate behavior, and would add to the summer camp experience for others (not detract from it.)
What Makes a Good Applicant
If you have children that you believe would be a good applicant for our program please encourage them to apply. (We accept children 6 to 17 years old.) 6 – 15 years of age are in our regular camp program. Campers going into the 10th, 11th & 12th grade may apply to our C.I.L.T. (Camper in Leadership Training Program;) where campers gain increased knowledge in a variety of areas in camp and assist younger campers. The applicants must fit strict criteria as camp is a “live-in setting,” we want to ensure the safety and comfort of all who attend.
How Does Charm’s Place Fundraise
Our program is funded by Barbeque Sauce Sales “Shawna’s Bold & Sweet,” sold at Molsberry’s Market, Oliver’s, and Made Local. Fundraisers (Murder Mystery Dinner & Open House Event) Thoughtful donations Shawna “Charm” DeGrange